Cornerstone IT Recognized with its 12th Lake-Geauga Fast Track 50 Award

Mentor, OhioNovember 5, 2020 – The Lake-Geauga Fast Track 50 has named Cornerstone IT one of the 50 fastest growing companies in Lake and Geauga Counties. This is the 12th consecutive year Cornerstone has been recognized with this award.

“Cornerstone IT is especially honored to accept a Fast Track 50 Award this year,” says Ray Paganini, President. “We know that 2020 has been a different year for many local businesses.  We are grateful for a team that continues to assist our Client base while we continue to grow,” he adds.

The Lake-Geauga Fast Track 50 recognizes companies in Lake and Geauga counties who have shown growth and change that contribute to business success. Eligible companies must be organized for profit and located within the two county region. Winners are awarded based on average company sales, employment growth over the previous five year period, and a minimum sales profit percentage.

Cornerstone IT accepted recognition for this achievement at the virtual 2020 Lake-Geauga Fast Track 50 Awards ceremony held November 5.

More information about the Fast Track 50 organization can be found by visiting